Monday, November 14, 2016

Life Seek To Be Reeled INTO Secured and Safe Environment

Grief and Loss just steam from death of a family member. We can also experience they way we are treated from employment, living conditions, and how we are perceived from society.

I have been assistance such a person from rude and crude ways from employer that pushed a much hidden agenda they had other employee providing oberservations to the senior staff regarding work and other non work related experience. From the very start my patient suffered more from being thrown into a VASH project based housing in another city from where my patient resided. VA did not provide safe, secure, and warm living conditions after the present administration took everything away from my patient.

Since, the debacle occurred health has taken a toll on the patient with a few stays in the Medical Center. I was the only one that made a visit to ensure proper treatments, care, and provided uplifting improved Self –Esteem.

The current administration is not friendly towards Veterans with educations. We believe the reason my patient has been treated so shabbily with a lot of disrespect. With that being said, we were not granted a status for 501 (3c), since we are Radical Right Wing Extremists. 

We Implore you kind and generous care to provide items and services, which will slingshot my patient back into employment, Improved Living Conditions, along with a vehicle, which will provide transportation for employment with a quick evacuation,when employment is securely secured.    

We have set up an Bereavement Appeal at 

Items which are currently requested for the Thanksgiving and Christmas days of Appreciation :
·         Dental and Vision Exams
·         Employment
·         Improved Living Conditions
·         2008 Chevrolet with trailer hitch
·         Long bed trailer
·         10 W boots and shoots
·         Form fitted clothing
·         Laundry and dry cleaning services
·         Auto Insurance for 1 year

On behalf of my Patient / Veteran, we are very grateful for your support and care.