![@[175868780941:274:Exposing The Truth]](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/418654_10152223891000942_1195932682_n.jpg)
A Grief Specialist, who speaks on topics of Grief in the home, office, and elsewhere, alcohol and other drugs, relationships, and family values. Request Dr. Nicholas to come to your High Schools, Universities, Concert Halls, Staples Center, The Beverly Center, y Globally. Dr. Nicholas can make a significant difference in your life. Dr. Nicholas can be contacted at handofcompassion@outlook.com or 877 867 8556 and continues his continuous road trips to everyone that has a Loss.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
No Worse Enemy.

No worse enemy .. the friend who deserts you when you need them the Most...
Real People Support
Saturday, December 29, 2012
No One Is Watching.

Being a person of Integrity at this moment in history and when no one wants to have be noticed for providing a kind act toward a grieving soul will make a significant difference this life of the grieving. Contact Hand of Passion Clinical Director at 877-867-8556 to be placed on the “Integrity Secret” list.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Care to Another

When one provides care to another there
is a major transformation is being conducted within the body of the
provider. The Bereaved Are the Ones that are requesting care to be provided
to them at their lowest points in life regarding lack of employment,
housing, self-esteem, trust, and Real People Camaraderie.
Contact Hand of Passion Clinical Director Dr. Nicholas for further details of becoming a Provider to the Bereaved.
Forget Self,
Think of Others
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Never Lose Faith In Yourself.

“Never lose faith in yourself, and never lose hope; remember, even when this world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope.”
Please Protect Our Loved Ones.
![Friends, please visit our page and feel free to become a part our meaningful and inspirational community ♥ @[391225394276189:274:In Loving Memory] ♥
Visit our NEW website : www.Daveswordsofwisdom.com for more <3](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s480x480/406144_432042370194491_1251086808_n.jpg)
Yes Guardian Angels, please protect GP, and loved ones from all harm today and until the final analyst of life.
Contagious Joy,
Reconciling Love
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
The Best Person.
The difficulties started when… conversations became texting, feelings became subliminal, the word ‘love’ fell out of context, trust faded as honesty waned, insecurities became a way of living, jealously became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution. Stop running! Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people in your life who deserve it.

Monday, December 24, 2012
Love Your Self.
Never apologize for what you feel.
It is okay to be sensitive. It is okay to be "Emotional"
It is okay to to be sad, afraid or uncertain.
It's okay to cry.
It doesn't mean you are being negative.
... It doesn't mean you are weak.
It takes great courage to be able to understand;
Accept and acknowledge what you feel.
Only then you can Face it, dis-empower it - and Let it go.
Never suppress your feelings because you are too afraid of
what others will "Think" of you.
You can Choose to make Positive Choices.
And Change your "Response-ability" to your Feelings.
And Transform them into a Beautiful, Positive Power.
Beyond anything you have ever imagined.
You are stronger than you think.
Let the Love and Peace inside you, awaken.
Let it Begin to Heal you.
Love yourself and have Faith in your Journey.
Life is waiting ... ♥
It is okay to be sensitive. It is okay to be "Emotional"
It is okay to to be sad, afraid or uncertain.
It's okay to cry.
It doesn't mean you are being negative.
... It doesn't mean you are weak.
It takes great courage to be able to understand;
Accept and acknowledge what you feel.
Only then you can Face it, dis-empower it - and Let it go.
Never suppress your feelings because you are too afraid of
what others will "Think" of you.
You can Choose to make Positive Choices.
And Change your "Response-ability" to your Feelings.
And Transform them into a Beautiful, Positive Power.
Beyond anything you have ever imagined.
You are stronger than you think.
Let the Love and Peace inside you, awaken.
Let it Begin to Heal you.
Love yourself and have Faith in your Journey.
Life is waiting ... ♥

Christmas CARE .
While many may aspire to a Hallmark Holiday Season, the reality is that the holiday season involves real people in real families doing the best that they can do.
Most families are a group of related people of different ages with a mix of personalities, needs, feelings and expectations. They may be a nuclear family, an extended family, a reconstituted family or a blended family. In any case, they share an identity as family and, as such, consciously and unconsciously have an impact upon each other.
Their lives can be touched by the joy shared by one family member, the excitement of another and the heartache and loss of still another –sometimes all on the same day.
Most would agree that at times of pain and joy, families are the greatest source of support and the greatest source of applause. They can also be the greatest source of stress.
Holidays seem to turn the volume up on all possibilities.
How Can Families Cope with the Holidays?
A suggested goal for coping with the holidays is to foster family bonds and minimize family binds.
The bonds family members feel are not just genetic – they also come from a family’s experience of being a system with a defined boundary, predictable patterns, expectations, assigned roles, explicit and implicit rules, religious beliefs, rituals, ethnic roots etc.
The insistence on adherence to the way it is supposed to be, the way it always was, or the way everyone should behave, is often the source of considerable tension and stress. It changes family bonds into family binds. It is worth questioning:
As such, the bind imposed is one of being trapped in grief and pain. Reaching for the bonds celebrated in family rituals, recipes, and predictable patterns can feel impossible.
When facing such pain and loss in midst of the holidays, it is worth questioning:
Embrace the Similarities in Family Members
It’s not the holidays that make a family – It’s a family that makes a holiday – in the best way they can.
Most families are a group of related people of different ages with a mix of personalities, needs, feelings and expectations. They may be a nuclear family, an extended family, a reconstituted family or a blended family. In any case, they share an identity as family and, as such, consciously and unconsciously have an impact upon each other.
Their lives can be touched by the joy shared by one family member, the excitement of another and the heartache and loss of still another –sometimes all on the same day.
Most would agree that at times of pain and joy, families are the greatest source of support and the greatest source of applause. They can also be the greatest source of stress.
Holidays seem to turn the volume up on all possibilities.
How Can Families Cope with the Holidays?
A suggested goal for coping with the holidays is to foster family bonds and minimize family binds.
The bonds family members feel are not just genetic – they also come from a family’s experience of being a system with a defined boundary, predictable patterns, expectations, assigned roles, explicit and implicit rules, religious beliefs, rituals, ethnic roots etc.
- The holiday means baking and sharing Grandma’s cookies.
- Dad always helps the children hand out the gifts.
- Everyone goes to Church together.
- The family always eats some special food (be it black-eyed peas, pork loin, or fish) on New Year’s Day.
The insistence on adherence to the way it is supposed to be, the way it always was, or the way everyone should behave, is often the source of considerable tension and stress. It changes family bonds into family binds. It is worth questioning:
- Is there really no holiday if we are too exhausted to bake?
- Is it worth demanding that everyone eat the same food at the same time if it means a newly married couple stresses with the demands of competing families?
- If we can’t be at home – can we still share a sense of holiday?
- If Grandma is no longer here – can we share her stories and still hold her close in mind and heart?
As such, the bind imposed is one of being trapped in grief and pain. Reaching for the bonds celebrated in family rituals, recipes, and predictable patterns can feel impossible.
When facing such pain and loss in midst of the holidays, it is worth questioning:
- Can there be permission to open the family boundaries to let others, even outsiders, help?
- Can we allow some sense of the holidays to be experienced by the children who have a different context for loss and a need to feel the safety of some familiar rituals?
- Can we smile at something that touches us without feeling guilt or disloyalty in face of loss?
- Can we allow family members to grieve in different ways; to speak or not speak; to pray or to play?
Embrace the Similarities in Family Members
- It is a pleasure to see young adults enjoying and carrying on the family rituals they choose.
- It is a burden to be forced to adhere to historical patterns.
- There is a great deal to gain in welcoming the new recipe or the idea of a family member to do something different for the holidays.
- It keeps the family history unfolding and tradition- updated.
- Families gain added strength and resiliency as they welcome in new members- whatever the connections.
- To love family members is to trust their choices and feel the compliment of their wanting to bring someone home.
- Whether by choice or necessity, families who can be flexible in terms of roles have more resilience in the joyful and painful times.
- The freedom to try out different roles lends itself to different family patterns, problem solving, listening and healing.
- The safety to be less than perfect in a family invites laughter, relaxation and creativity.
- So what if the food on Christmas is partially frozen and Grandma is feeding the dogs anything they want!!
- The fact that only one family member has the strength to make dinner or order pizza – doesn’t mean that you have failed as a family or there wasn’t a holiday.
- It means you are using family bonds to handle the load during a difficult time. Next year may be different.
- It is not the gift, special dinner or expensive trip that children need on a holiday.
- Children need to feel love and caring by someone who does even one small but special thing to commemorate the day.
- Children need to know there will be more special days.
It’s not the holidays that make a family – It’s a family that makes a holiday – in the best way they can.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Angeles Without Wings.
In some Moments of Darkest Despair;
These words were shared with me by someone who is very
close to my Heart ;
And has changed my Life Forever.
Sometimes Life ...Does bring you Miracles;
And Angels without Wings ..... ♥
Hope they touch your heart, as they did mine ....
These words were shared with me by someone who is very
close to my Heart ;
And has changed my Life Forever.
Sometimes Life ...Does bring you Miracles;
And Angels without Wings ..... ♥
Hope they touch your heart, as they did mine ....
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Vatican City, 15 December 2012 (VIS) - A telegram of condolence was sent in the Holy Father's name by Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B. to Msgr. Jerald A. Doyle, diocesan administrator of Bridgeport, United States of America, following the assassination of 26 people - twenty children and six adults - by a lone gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut.
Benedict XVI expressed his heartfelt grief and assured his closeness in prayer to the victims, their families and all those affected by this shocking event. "In the aftermath of this senseless tragedy he asks God our Father to console all those who mourn and to sustain the entire community with the spiritual strength which triumphs over violence by the power of forgiveness, hope and reconciling love".
Benedict XVI expressed his heartfelt grief and assured his closeness in prayer to the victims, their families and all those affected by this shocking event. "In the aftermath of this senseless tragedy he asks God our Father to console all those who mourn and to sustain the entire community with the spiritual strength which triumphs over violence by the power of forgiveness, hope and reconciling love".
Reconciling Love,
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Newly Widowed
WIDOWED NOW: 2 Steps You Can Take Right Away
to Relieve the Pain and Begin Moving Forward
Are you:
to Relieve the Pain and Begin Moving Forward
Are you:
- Struggling to regain your footing?
- Looking to identify where you want to go from here?
- Challenged with gaining clarity on your own goals in life?
- Struggling with how to relate to others as a widow?
- Looking to create a strong support system?
- Disregarding your own health?
- Asking, “How can I experience joy once again”?
7 Key Components for Cultivating and Maintaining Health and
Wellness During the Grieving Process
Wellness During the Grieving Process
When we grieve, a flood of stress hormones is released. In recent publications, the term ”broken heart syndrome” has been used to describe what is medically known as stress cardiomyopathy. The level of stress hormones in the blood can be two to three times higher than it is in those suffering from a classic heart attack. Overall, our immune systems become compromised.
Learn about the 7 Key Components to rebuilding your immune system during the grieving process in this fun and informative talk.
Move Forward,
Martyr of the Faith.
![*LIKE* -> @[212805865521563:274:R.I.P Sandy Hook Elementary School Children]](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/s480x480/479983_213167592152057_1962316465_n.png)
I pray for the Soto family for their
loss of Victoria a daughter, sister, Tia, and Trusting woman martyr of
Faith, Trust, Protector of her students, friends, and the holy
Holy Innocents -

A Prayer To The Holy Innocents
Holy Innocents, you died before you were old enough to know what life means, pray for all children who die young that God may gather them into His loving arms.
Holy Innocents, you were killed because one man was filled with hatred, pray for those who hate that God may touch their hearts and fill them with love.
Holy Innocents, you experienced a violent death, pray for all who are affected by violence that they may find peace and love.
Holy Innocents, your parents grieved for you with deep and lasting sorrow, pray for all parents who have lost young children that God may wrap a warm blanket of comfort around them.
Holy Innocents, those around you certainly felt helpless to prevent your deaths, pray for all who feel helpless in their circumstances that they may cling to God for courage and hope.
Holy Innocents, you who are now in Heaven, pray for all of us that one day we may join you there to bask in God's love forever.
Holy Innocents, you died before you were old enough to know what life means, pray for all children who die young that God may gather them into His loving arms.
Holy Innocents, you were killed because one man was filled with hatred, pray for those who hate that God may touch their hearts and fill them with love.
Holy Innocents, you experienced a violent death, pray for all who are affected by violence that they may find peace and love.
Holy Innocents, your parents grieved for you with deep and lasting sorrow, pray for all parents who have lost young children that God may wrap a warm blanket of comfort around them.
Holy Innocents, those around you certainly felt helpless to prevent your deaths, pray for all who feel helpless in their circumstances that they may cling to God for courage and hope.
Holy Innocents, you who are now in Heaven, pray for all of us that one day we may join you there to bask in God's love forever.
Holy Innocents,
Lost Generation,
Friday, December 14, 2012
God Weeps With You !
"Often you wonder why tears come into your eyes
And burdens seem to be much more than you can stand.
But God is standing near. He sees your falling tears
And tears are a language God understands.
God sees the tears of a brokenhearted soul.
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall.
God weeps along with man and He takes him by the hand.
Tears are a language God understands.
Then grief has left you low it causes tears to flow
When things have not turned out the way that you had planned.
But God won't forget you His promises are true.
And tears are a language that my God understands.
God sees the tears of a brokenhearted soul.
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall.
God weeps along with man and He takes him by the hand.
Tears are a language God understands....
Tears are a language that my God understands."
And burdens seem to be much more than you can stand.
But God is standing near. He sees your falling tears
And tears are a language God understands.
God sees the tears of a brokenhearted soul.
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall.
God weeps along with man and He takes him by the hand.
Tears are a language God understands.
Then grief has left you low it causes tears to flow
When things have not turned out the way that you had planned.
But God won't forget you His promises are true.
And tears are a language that my God understands.
God sees the tears of a brokenhearted soul.
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall.
God weeps along with man and He takes him by the hand.
Tears are a language God understands....
Tears are a language that my God understands."
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Bereavement Points
Bereavement is commonly known as a section of sorrow from sudden or death with a parent, child, and other close family, and friends. In the advent of all the perils, which have encroached upon our Nation under the title of “Culture of Death” has now brought into the parameters of bereavement employment, relationships, and pets.
Bereavement in general does not always meet up with approving thoughts. One would think bereavement counseling is for “L” loser. A loser would be the one who does not seek out the proper care of his/her life. In the results can lead to one of the other levels of why one can suffer from torment depression. This torment depression can also lead to lack of performance in employment settings, decrease in expressing feelings to your spouse’s/fiancées, and having your kitty or puppy bit you.
Bereavement support is ever necessary to readjust to become the person one is to be prior to the death (human/pet), divorce, and work. Without having the proper directional support in one’s life can become very miserable, along with thoughts of doom/gloom, poor me, and what happened. Of course there are many other thoughts, which will martialize during the moment of grief/sorrow. Bereavement is a painless moment in 12 month period. The best element of bereavement is just speaking what you are feeling to release all the important thoughts out to a counselor that will direct one back to a balance state in life.
Very important to contact Dr. Losito, when there is a loss of both human and pet life, relationships, and employment.
Bereavement in general does not always meet up with approving thoughts. One would think bereavement counseling is for “L” loser. A loser would be the one who does not seek out the proper care of his/her life. In the results can lead to one of the other levels of why one can suffer from torment depression. This torment depression can also lead to lack of performance in employment settings, decrease in expressing feelings to your spouse’s/fiancées, and having your kitty or puppy bit you.
Bereavement support is ever necessary to readjust to become the person one is to be prior to the death (human/pet), divorce, and work. Without having the proper directional support in one’s life can become very miserable, along with thoughts of doom/gloom, poor me, and what happened. Of course there are many other thoughts, which will martialize during the moment of grief/sorrow. Bereavement is a painless moment in 12 month period. The best element of bereavement is just speaking what you are feeling to release all the important thoughts out to a counselor that will direct one back to a balance state in life.
Very important to contact Dr. Losito, when there is a loss of both human and pet life, relationships, and employment.
Kindly Reminder's
You just checked your voicemail and a reporter has the story. He wants you to call back immediately because this is big news. He needs a comment and is counting the minutes to your call.
You knew this was coming but your pulse is still racing. You have reviewed your crisis communications plan but your brain feels like you just mainlined three pots of coffee. Part of you wants to call back with your prepared statement while another side of you wants to hide. So what do you do? How do you get yourself under control when the moment arrives?
Take a Breath
Really. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then another. Then another. Now open your eyes and focus on the task at hand.
Remember, you knew this was coming. You have a folder filled with everything from statements and talking points to designated spokespeople and social media posts. Even if the specific crisis was unexpected you still have your crisis communications plan, right?
Since you are a well rounded communications executive you have studied other crises in the news. You’ve seen companies turn a crisis into a win. Now it’s your turn.
Don’t make your interactions with the media personal. It’s their job to dig and ask the questions they are asking. Step back and look at the problem from their point of view. Try looking at it from the point of view of the public as well. How will this news be presented and digested? Use these perspectives when considering the answers to each question.
Share The Load
Don’t think you have to do it yourself. In fact there are many staff members that need to know about this crisis ASAP. Your colleagues are also full of information that may help. Talk things through and bounce ideas around quickly if you are stuck.
Walk, Don’t Run
Don’t add to the crisis by making foolish mistakes. If you are too quick to respond you may overlook an approval you need or a question that needs to be asked internally.
Stay On Track
Stay focused and don’t let little fires steer you away from the main objective.
Trust In Your Skills
You were hired for a reason. Now is no time to second-guess your abilities. At the very least you will learn from every crisis you handle.
Visualize Success
Imagine the end of the crisis. What do you want the headlines to say? Now identify the steps you have to take to get there.
Be Open to Change
If you are inflexible you will be stressed trying too hard to keep things according to plan. A dialogue can shift focus easily as new facts are brought to light. While you want to stay on message you must be open to the evolution of a crisis.
You knew this was coming but your pulse is still racing. You have reviewed your crisis communications plan but your brain feels like you just mainlined three pots of coffee. Part of you wants to call back with your prepared statement while another side of you wants to hide. So what do you do? How do you get yourself under control when the moment arrives?
Take a Breath
Really. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then another. Then another. Now open your eyes and focus on the task at hand.
Remember, you knew this was coming. You have a folder filled with everything from statements and talking points to designated spokespeople and social media posts. Even if the specific crisis was unexpected you still have your crisis communications plan, right?
Since you are a well rounded communications executive you have studied other crises in the news. You’ve seen companies turn a crisis into a win. Now it’s your turn.
Don’t make your interactions with the media personal. It’s their job to dig and ask the questions they are asking. Step back and look at the problem from their point of view. Try looking at it from the point of view of the public as well. How will this news be presented and digested? Use these perspectives when considering the answers to each question.
Share The Load
Don’t think you have to do it yourself. In fact there are many staff members that need to know about this crisis ASAP. Your colleagues are also full of information that may help. Talk things through and bounce ideas around quickly if you are stuck.
Walk, Don’t Run
Don’t add to the crisis by making foolish mistakes. If you are too quick to respond you may overlook an approval you need or a question that needs to be asked internally.
Stay On Track
Stay focused and don’t let little fires steer you away from the main objective.
Trust In Your Skills
You were hired for a reason. Now is no time to second-guess your abilities. At the very least you will learn from every crisis you handle.
Visualize Success
Imagine the end of the crisis. What do you want the headlines to say? Now identify the steps you have to take to get there.
Be Open to Change
If you are inflexible you will be stressed trying too hard to keep things according to plan. A dialogue can shift focus easily as new facts are brought to light. While you want to stay on message you must be open to the evolution of a crisis.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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