Friday, November 30, 2012

Seeds of Kindness

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Being Kind toward the Bereaved during the Advent of Christ's Birthday Is the Most Admirable and Appreciated gift anyone can provide to Christ. The Bereaved are the are referenced by Christ Himself as the ones that were to be properly provided and care for. In other words all of us must develop a " Little Drummer Boy Spirit."

The Little Drummer Boy developed the Spirit within knowing that Christ our God seen the act of kindness to provide a recovery to  the wound lamb, which was dearly beloved by the drummer boy. 

Let those seeds been sowen that Christ our God can provide recovery for the bereaved and to those that have provided the act of kindness.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Feeling !

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I'm not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I'm still waiting

I'm through with doubt
There's nothing left for me to figure out
I've paid a price
And I'll keep paying

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and I don't have time
To go round and round and round

It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
Cause I'm mad as hell, can't bring myself
To do what it is you think I should

I know you said
Can't you just get over it??
It turned my whole world around

Befriend the Children !

A child was standing barefoot in front of a shoe store shivering. A lady came up and said: "My little friend what are you looking so earnestly in that window?". He replied: "I'm asking God to give me a pair of shoes."

The lady took him by the hand and led him into the store and asked an employee half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy and a pair of shoes. He asked if I could lend a tub of water an
d a towel and took the child to the back of the store. With love began to wash the feet of the child and wiped, then I put on socks and shoes. She patted him on the head and said "No doubt little friend that you feel more comfortable now".

As she turned around to leave, the child very happy, reached out and took her hand, looking at her with tears in his eyes asked: "Are you God's wife?. Mrs. replied:" No, but If I am a servant of God and all that you ask of heart, he will give it. "

Dear friends, imagine what the world would be different if we all had such acts as beautiful as love and generosity of Mrs.?. Would you do that?. Tag and share the love story to water everywhere.

A child was standing barefoot in front of a shoe store shivering. A lady came up and said: "My little friend what are you looking so earnestly in that window?"....
He replied: "I'm asking God to give me a pair of shoes."

The lady took him by the hand and led him into the store and asked an employee half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy and a pair of shoes. He asked if I could lend a tub of water and a towel and took the child to the back of the store. With love began to wash the feet of the child and wiped, then I put on socks and shoes. She patted him on the head and said "No doubt little friend that you feel more comfortable now".

As she turned around to leave, the child very happy, reached out and took her hand, looking at her with tears in his eyes asked: "Are you God's wife?. Mrs. replied:" No, but If I am a servant of God and all that you ask of heart, he will give it. "

Dear friends, imagine what the world would be different if we all had such acts as beautiful as love and generosity of Mrs.?. Would you do that?

At the End

Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him

Unknown Realization

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



In the advent of all the ridicules off the beaten road philosophies, dogmas, and paganism, which are ardently re-entering our JudeoChristian culture by statements like “ Do not be around a persons, who are full of pain.” The one's that follow that road map may not like what is seen at the end of the journey.

Take care of those “Tears” of rejection, abandonment, and misunderstandings at this moment.   To take of those, who have we have cast off and neglected in our lives will lead each one of us to journey well compensated.

Review your lives as the JudeoChristian world enters into the preparation of Advent the coming of Christ. Christ Is the One, Who Is our example of taking care of the “ Tears.” and to be given the compensation of life.


God Is the Ruler of Heaven and Earth !

Care and Concern

It is ever important to visit, care, feel their existences of your loved ones more often. We will not always have them around to have that important moment of expressing important thoughts and feelings of love, compassion, and concern to them. Do not allow our loved ones to be left alone at the most critical moments of their existences among us here on earth.

Eventually, you will be left alone without hearing the voice of care and concern, feeling the touch of love, and hug of warmth that filled our beings with indelible acceptance.

Monday, November 26, 2012


In 96 hours there will be a noted decorated Veteran, Educated, and Now Has Been Abandon by family, friends, and society Is being forced to become homeless. In 96 hours this Noted Decorated Veteran that has suffered from multiple bereavements from all the Abandonment Losses. This Noted Veteran is currently infirmed from all work done alone of reclaiming a spot in life. Hand of Passion Is Advocating for this Noted Decorated Veteran, who does not need to be sent to a Cold Sterilized Shelters. Hand of Passion requests for Good Samaritans, Patriots, and Real People support to provide this Noted Veteran with Independence, Warmth, and Care until reclaiming a spot in life. For further details contact Hand of Passion Clinical Director at 877 - 867-8556

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

In the Spirit.

With all the uncertainties life continues to reveal in our lives.  The uncertainties in loss of life, relationships, employment, housing, being forced to be relocate or become homeless, and of lack of Real Friends to provide the net of support in our lives.

I highly recommend you “Do Not Need A Reason To Support A Person” in a state of bereavement, just make it happen for your reward will be with the One that See's everything. Remember seeing the One in everyone provides each one of you a greater blessing in the final analysis in life.

Abandoment in a Life of Veteran

In 9 days another Sacramento Veteran with professional experiences will be without a place to reside due to unemployed and has been abandoned. Hand of Passion is requesting your caring and concerned assistance during the Holy Days to assist this professional Vet with a warm place to stay i.e loft, barn, basement that is currently unused or abandon. Please contact Hand of Passion Clinical Director for further details. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2Mc 12:42:46

In any culture, race, tongue, and dogmas we can not take it for granted that our Loved ones are truly with God the Father in Heaven or another place we think will be peaceful and caring. This is truly a fallacy. Therefore, we all must have the heart as the King in 2 Mc 12:42-46:
Turning to supplication, they prayed that the sinful deed might be fully blotted out. The noble Judas warned the soldiers to keep themselves free from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sin of those who had fallen. He then took up a collection among all his soldiers, amounting to two thousand silver drachmas, which he sent to Jerusalem to provide for an expiatory sacrifice. In doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had the resurrection of the dead in view; for if he were not expecting the fallen to rise again, it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death. But if he did this with a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin.
Experience teaches us that there are people who die so suddenly, they have not had the opportunity to confess their sins, but are not guilty of serious "death dealing" sin and separation from God.

Therefore, I continue to personalty pray for all Losito's, Lupo's, DeViccicho's, Della Mora's, Celletti's, and Mother Ponce.

Nobody Knows About.

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No More Agony !

Let tears take out all the agony that is hidden inside you, and
let laughter ignite your contagious joy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Never Give Up !

Allow the Love In

Love Is the Opening of the Heart, the Welcoming of your Beloved. Loving is NOT Secure, Authentic Loving is risky. Security lies behind the walls of a Closed heart. You either Invite the Union by Opening in Love, or you Secure the Isolation by Closing Down.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let Your Future Appear !

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What Is the Best ?


What is the best of us is to be silent as you hear the voice of God the Almighty providing for you the necessary insights He has for your life. Yes, the insights He has for each one of us in our lives good, bad, and the ugly. However, most bereaved continue to keep themselves hidden away with the memories of pre-anticpatory losses.

It is suggested and recommended to slowly re-enter and assimilate God's Holy Whisper. The Holy Whisper comes from within yourself as you firmly focus upon His Beautiful Images. While we firmly allow the Holy Whisper to engulf us with the customized message God has for each one us; consequently, we have a road map to elevating into peace with all the sorrow losses and events. With the elevation of those sorrows we all can reach the ultimate “Peace” that God can only provide to us.

God does NOT ABANADON US – it is essential for each one us to comprehend and have the awareness of His Care, Concern, and Understanding of our development of transforming us into the Best of the best.

Trust and Believe!

If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.

Psalm 46:1 & Romans 8:28


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Annual Bereavement Appeal

Annual Bereavement Appeal is currently providing assistance to women and men that have experienced multiple bereavements in the last 18 months. The Appeal Committee is currently requesting the following items: Legal, Auto, Rental, Housing, and Employment and Relocation Assistance, Professional Alliances, Durable Mini Van with a long-bed trailer and Trailer for a Auto, Very Warm Blankets and Pillows, Towels Both Small and Large, Business Attires For Both Woman and Men, Wireless Communications, Toiletries, Food and Gas Cards. For Further Details Contact Hand of Passion Clinical Director 877 867 8556.

Listen to God.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy !!!

♥ ♥

Dr. Losito Is Excited to Speak to your Organization.

I am excited to speak in front of your Churches, Schools, Universities, Organizations on the different topics of Grief and Loss, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Family Values.
Click on the Link to read a little more about Dr. Losito, Clinical Director of Hand of Passion.

All Souls Day !

This is the day well a remember all of our loved ones souls that have gone before us in the Sign of Faith. The Faith they imposed upon us before they were reassigned in life for the sake of the Glory of God. Continue to pray for your Loved Ones Souls each and every day until you arrive in the Final Analysis of Life.


Never Have Regret !

Children Never Forget to Love Your Parents before You go to School, Work, or Anywhere else. As You may not have that moment to say and experience this Love with your Father and Mother.

There Is a Real Purpose.

To Be Hugged Is Healthy !!!

You Are Amazing !!!

Photo: check out Golden words and thoughts for more quotes