A child was standing barefoot in front of a shoe store shivering. A lady came up and said: "My little friend what are you looking so earnestly in that window?"....
He replied: "I'm asking God to give me a pair of shoes."
The lady took him by the hand and led him into the store and asked an employee half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy and a pair of shoes. He asked if I could lend a tub of water and a towel and took the child to the back of the store. With love began to wash the feet of the child and wiped, then I put on socks and shoes. She patted him on the head and said "No doubt little friend that you feel more comfortable now".
As she turned around to leave, the child very happy, reached out and took her hand, looking at her with tears in his eyes asked: "Are you God's wife?. Mrs. replied:" No, but If I am a servant of God and all that you ask of heart, he will give it. "
Dear friends, imagine what the world would be different if we all had such acts as beautiful as love and generosity of Mrs.?. Would you do that?
The lady took him by the hand and led him into the store and asked an employee half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy and a pair of shoes. He asked if I could lend a tub of water and a towel and took the child to the back of the store. With love began to wash the feet of the child and wiped, then I put on socks and shoes. She patted him on the head and said "No doubt little friend that you feel more comfortable now".
As she turned around to leave, the child very happy, reached out and took her hand, looking at her with tears in his eyes asked: "Are you God's wife?. Mrs. replied:" No, but If I am a servant of God and all that you ask of heart, he will give it. "
Dear friends, imagine what the world would be different if we all had such acts as beautiful as love and generosity of Mrs.?. Would you do that?
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