Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Miss You - I love You !

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There are enough of us that have lost loved ones over the years where we can shed tears at a
moments notice of good memory reoccurring. Along with that things you needed now with that loved one help to make that assignment run smoother.
This is our way of providing a honor to our loved ones that have gone before us on this joureny towards a Life of being with God and all who have helped paved the way to our success in life.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

I know Mother's Day is hard for many of my friends. Know that I love you and you are in my prayers with many healing hugs of care and concern for as ll at this most sensitive moment in history.

For a Total Healing of  heart, mind, and soul. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014



Ti preghiamo, o Signore:

Per tutte le mamme che consumano la loro vita,
giorno dopo giorno, a servizio dei figli,
e serenamente affrontano il "terribile quotidiano",
perchè trovino in Te
il sostegno e la forza di continuare
anche nei momenti di stanchezza e di sfiducia

Ti preghiamo, o Signore.

Per tutte le mamme che piangono
gli errori e le cadute dei figli,
e soffrono di sentirli lontani,
perchè nella fede riscoprano il motivo vero
della loro dedizione completa,
anche nell'ora dell'abbandono,

Ti preghiamo, o Signore.

Per tutti i genitori che,
distratti da molteplici impegni,
rischiano di dimenticare
che non si educa con le parole,
ma con l'esempio e la coerenza,
perchè trovino il coraggio di verificare la vita
alla luce dell'esempio di Maria,

Ti preghiamo, o Signore.

Veglia, o Regina d'amore e di dolore,
Benedici, o Maria, tutte le mamme,
Fortifica,o Maria, tutte le mamme,
Santifica, o Maria, tutte le mamme,
Veglia sulle madri addolorate.
Benedici le loro gioie e i loro dolori.
Fortificale nella loro insostituibile missione.
Santificale donando loro il Frutto del tuo seno.
PRAYER for ALL MOMS please, o Lord: To all the mothers who consume their lives, day in and day out, to serve children, and calmly deal with the "terrible", why are you the support and the strength to continue even in times of fatigue and mistrust we pray, o Lord.

For all the mothers who mourn the errors and crashes, and suffer from hear far away, because in faith to rediscover the true reason of their full dedication, even in the time of abandonment, we pray, o Lord.

For all the parents who, distracted by multiple activities, are in danger of forgetting that educates not with words, but with the example and consistency, why are the courage to make life in the light of the example of Mary, we pray, o Lord.

Awake, o Queen of love and pain, bless, o Mary, all moms, Fortifies, o Mary, all moms, Sanctifies, o Mary, all moms, sorrowful Vigil on mothers.
Bless their joys and their sorrows.
Fortificale in their irreplaceable mission.
Santificale giving them the fruit of thy womb.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bereavement Support

  1. Smile. Put a smile on your face and in your eyes, voice and heart as often as possible.
  2. Make eye contact. Look people openly, warmly and squarely in the eye.
  3. Open your body language. While facing the person with whom you are talking, open your chest, your heart and your arms.
  4. Address people by name. Honor people by calling them by name as you greet them, give them thanks, ask a question or bid them farewell.
  5. Speak with a friendly tone. Warm your tone of voice with love and kindness.
  6. Be present. Give your complete and undivided attention to others when they are speaking to you.
  7. Express gratitude. Focus your attention on the goodness in others, verbalize all that you appreciate and give thanks.
  8. Slow down. Breathe and gift yourself and others with time to address situations and transition from them.
  9. Reflect empathy and compassion. Honor people’s emotional experiences. Normalize and validate their feelings so they feel heard, known and understood.
  10. Have integrity. Keep your word. Do what you say you are going to do.  Live according to your values.
  11. Have good manners. Be polite, conscientious and gracious.
  12. Demonstrate thoughtfulness. Get out of your own head and be of service to others. Consider their feelings and experiences.
  13. Give genuine compliments. Tell others their strengths, give positive feedback and express what you admire about them.
  14. Give salutations. Make the effort to open and close verbal and email interactions with a nice greeting or closure, rather than abruptly asking for something with neither a hello nor goodbye.
  15. Be generous. Give and share whatever you can, whenever you can.
  16. Be kind. Be the bigger person. Kindness is a choice. 
  17. Show compassion. Demonstrate self-compassion by cutting yourself some slack extend this same compassion to others.
  18. Be patient. Breathe and breathe out. Patience is a virtue.
  19. Demonstrate self-awareness. Notice the impact you have on others by paying attention to their facial expressions, tone and body language. Consider how what you are saying will feel to them and how it will impact them. Make adjustments accordingly.
  20. Be truthful. The truth has different layers and sometimes the deepest layer is hurtful or inappropriate. Speak the truth from the deepest layer that is appropriate. Speak from a place of kindness.
  21. Be reliable. Follow through with responsibilities and commitments with competency and effective communication.
  22. Be forgiving. Each time somebody else makes a mistake it is an opportunity for you to extend kindness and compassion and to let go of resentments that keep you tethered to the past.
  23. Apologize. We are human and nobody is perfect. When you make a mistake, make an amend or extend a sincere and timely apology.
  24. Take responsibility. Drop the defensiveness and the excuses and accept responsibility for yourself, your actions and your behaviors.
  25. Express love. Be open-minded and non-judgemental. Extend love to yourself and to others. Choose to be loving whenever possible—it is always possible.