Friday, May 24, 2013

Understanding How the Mind Works

What Is an Aberration?
One of the most useful things you can learn about is how your own mind works. Without this knowledge, you cannot understand yourself, you do not know why you do the things you do, and you have a hard time correcting yourself. When you know how your own mind works, you can get rid of negative thinking and learn to harness your own mind's infinite potentials.
In this week's Understanding How the Mind Works newsletter, you'll learn about “aberration.”
ABERRATION: Any deviation or departure from rationality
Here is an example: Mary wants to have a happy marriage. She loves her husband a lot, but she could not stop herself from getting angry at him every other day. She knows she would rather resolve differences with him by communication instead of arguments, but she could not control her own temper. This is an example of Mary's aberration.  Something in Mary's mind is out her own control, causing her to react with anger with her husband.  This is a a "deviation or departure from rationality," Therefore it is aberration.

Here is another example of an aberration; Jeff wants to be a very successful entrepreneur. Ever since he was little he wanted to start his own business to develop a lot of money.  However, every time he started to focus, his business distractions developed. Something in his life provided a cause to lose focus and goals of becoming successful.

Jeff has an aberration with his consistency and persistence from escaping from rational conduct.

In order to be happy and successful in life, we must learn to overcome our own aberrations. If you can identify and resolve your own aberrations, your whole life will change.
What aberrations have you seen in people around you? Do you know someone who is always angry? Do you know someone who feels insecure for no reason? Do you know someone who is always tense and cannot relax?
What are some of your aberrations? What do you do which is irrational? Do you have a fear of crowds? Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Do you have a hard time expressing your feelings? Do you procrastinate?
Accurate self assessment is vital. Once you identified your own aberrations, you are in a better position to improve yourself and your life.
I hope this bit of information about the mind helps.

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