Most of the time, when someone sends a sympathy card it is read and then discarded. Most cards contain such generic messages that they cannot really help the person feel better. They cannot be used throughout the years to bring the person who has passed back into their life. However, our bereavement verses offer people the ability to do just that. They are a memorial and a celebration of the person who has passed, along with the universal truths about life and death that help with the grieving process.
When you use Messages of Sympathy to convey your sadness over someone's loss, you will give them or yourself a product that can be used throughout the years. Our product can be instantly downloaded, so people can start to benefit from it immediately. It can then be played on the computer or on a DVD player. Our bereavement messages can be shared, or they can be kept private by the recipient.
When you use Messages of Sympathy, you will:
- Show the recipient how much you care
- Allow the recipient to feel hope
- Give them a product that can apply to many situations, which will allow them to use it over and over again
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