Friday, April 15, 2011


There comes a time in our evolution where we can choose to become the witness to our own actions. It’s as if all of life is flowing through us and we are watching our life on display as if we were watching a movie. The Higher Self wisdom takes over and we embody our Divine true nature fully, unrestricted, free of judgment… Simply, Free. Let’s discuss Freedom; the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. Imagine being liberated from the worldly illusions that keep us bound. What would it be like if we could free ourselves up from accumulating the many things in life that we’ve been programmed are going to bring us happiness and fulfillment? These may be physical things or ideas, such as the perfect relationship, or job or title. The illusion that, when you finally reach that level of status or achievement you’ve been striving for, only then will you be fulfilled, is just a concept that keeps us cycling in consumption. A great deal of energy goes into this process, making it difficult for us to relax the mind and experience our deeper nature as the Divine.